General Chaos

General Chaos

Cheat mode:
Pause game play. Hold A + B on controller one and press C on controller two. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then enter one of the following controller actions to give the corresponding player the maximum number of medics.

All medics (player one) Hold A + C on controller one and press B + Down on controller two.
All medics (player two) Hold A + C on controller two and press B + Down on controller one.
Battle skip (player one) Hold A + C + Up on controller one and press B on controller two.
Battle skip (player one) Hold A + C + Up on controller two and press B on controller one.
War skip (player one) Hold A + C + Down on controller one and press B on controller two.
War skip (player one) Hold A + C + Down on controller two and press B on controller one.

Killer grenade:
Select a team with a grenadier. Throw a grenade, and pause the game. The grenade will continue towards its target while both players are paused.

Killer water:
Pause game play when your opponent enters the water. Resume game play after several seconds to drown him