Road Rash

Road Rash

Super password:
Enter the following password to begin on level 4 with over $7 million in funds.
34441 01MS0 NV8UC 3QJ8R
Diablo 1000 bike: Enter the following password to start with the Diablo 1000 superbike.
10000 02FM0 101B1 177E9
Wild Thing 2000:
Hold Up + A + C and press Start at the bike selection screen. A voice will say "Yeah" to confirm correct code entry.

Easy money:
Start the game, race the default track (Sierra Nevada), and finish in first place. The third line on the password you will first receive will be 000KU. Change that line to UK000 and you should have $10 million for the next race.

Status Password
Level 1 00000 5UILC 5UIBN 17MN1
Level 2 00000 5UHDC 5VI76 27D3E
Level 3 00000 5VU3D 5USOI 37I9R
Level 4 00000 5VRJD 5VSEI 47V0V
Level 5 00000 5VM9D 5VTCB 57GO8
Level 5, final Grass Valley race 11110 5VM9D 4VRDN 57G2I
Level 5, final Pacific Coast race 10111 5VM9D 4VRDN 57G2I
Level 5, final Palm Desert race 11101 5VM9D 4VRDN 57G2I
Level 5, final Redwood Forest race 11011 5VM9D 4VRDN 57G2I
Level 5, final Sierra Nevada race 01111 5VM9D 4VRDN 57G2I