Its cool and stuff like yeah its awsome :thumbsup:

Tip: At the final boss, there is a specific spot above his legs where you can go right through him. While running (recommended to me), lightly press the jump button and, if done correctly, you should be behind the boss. Then beat him up and you win!

great game i also played it

cara a blaze ela morri muito facil na agua

what kind of game does not let sonic have the peelout :disappointed_relieved:

Weirdo atleast the spindash is here

English: Well I Liked the game, but the Fish Boss Its so Hard ;-;

I Need More Blaze and Silver Games

When I first found this website I doubted that I would have ever found anything Blaze related. I'm so happy I found this.

wy is blaze spin dash have e glitch?but great game! : :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

i love the music

Good game

wy is blaze spin dash have e glitch?
but great game! :smiley: :smiley:

sempre sou a Blaze :blush:

Eu tbm e nos gosta do tails mesmo so que ue gosto ele no sonic boom

eu tbm

love the soundtrack

how can i do the spin dash?

otimooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D :D :D

good game

otimo game

i end the game whit sonic

ITS OVER 9000 team eneyone?

blaze runs weird she runs like classic sonic?

when played with the sonic was with the debug mode activated xD

what in the world

whew just beat it....

ITS OVER 9000!!! that was so funny!!! :satisfied:

wonder why sonic turns a blue super form with the six emeralds....not even invincinble but you can take multiple hits before reaching zero rings

I thought it was green super sonic

Oh wait... nvm

ITS OVER 9000!!!!

No it's not

sounds like sonic rush game