Sonic 1 Definitive
Sonic 1 Definitive is a hack named by RadiantNexus Team, which seeks to reimagine Sonic 1 by rearranging levels. remixinRead more
Sonic 1 Definitive is a hack named by RadiantNexus Team, which seeks to reimagine Sonic 1 by rearranging levels. remixing music, adding features from future games, and readding scrapped ideas in new and interesting ways.Major features:3 acts of reimagined level design, including one act that has yet to be fully reimagined in any other hack.A miniboss.Massive art overhaul all over the place.Music made by ProjectFM and MechaKnuckles.Menus!A custom splash screen.There's been massive engine overhauls as well, including the Sonic 3 level layout format for massive levels, and the Sonic 3 object manager to go alongside this.
2022-04-17 07:29:23