Sonic in Hellfire Sa...
Hellfire Saga is Sonic 3 & Knuckles hack made with great inspiration from Castlevania and Ghosts n Goblins series byRead more
Hellfire Saga is Sonic 3 & Knuckles hack made with great inspiration from Castlevania and Ghosts n Goblins series by Narcologer.Main Credits:Narcologer - Hack and idea.Programming:Narcologer - Bosses, badniks, HP system, cutscenes, text screens (except very first one), dialogs.TheBlad768 - Source code(modified disassembly of S3K - S.C.E), title screen with disclaimer text screen, credits screen, ending cutscene, bug fix, blood and meat.Sprites:NarcologerModgenTSRMusic ports:TheBlad768Sounds:NarcologerTheBlad768Level design:NarcologerBeta testing:TheBlad768FireratMr. CatFoxConEdStoryline:NarcologerExternal Credits:ValleyBell - midi driver, mid2smps, vgm2mid, wtmd2mid, smpsconv.Flamewing - smps2asm.Clownacy - Sonic 2 Clone Driver v2 (v2.7+ prototype).
2019-02-02 21:00:02