Fastest 1
Fastest 1 (ファステスト・ワン?) is a Sega Mega Drive racing game video game released in 1991 exclusively in Japan. During the relRead more
Fastest 1 (ファステスト・ワン?) is a Sega Mega Drive racing game video game released in 1991 exclusively in Japan. During the release of this video game, other Formula One video games like Super Monaco GP had caused a general increase of demand for Formula One video games. While most of those games were poor simulations of the actual races themselves, Fastest One provided to be the most realistic video game of the era.
The game is based on Formula One racing and features team and driver names that are similar to the real life namesakes. A potential choice of 18 playable vehicles can be used in every mode provided by the game itself. Six vehicles in the game uses Ford engines; displaying American ingenuity during the 1990 Formula One season. The language of the game is completely in the English language.
In fact, most of the Formula One drivers who participated in the 1990 Formula One season are present, with slightly altered names (e.g. Satoru Nakajima makes an appearance as "S. Inakajima".)
2015-02-20 23:29:42